
We are the People and Robots Teaching and Learning (PoRTaL) group at Cornell Computer Science.

We build everyday robots for everyday users.

Our mission is to make robots accessible, user-friendly and practical for everyday tasks from cooking to cleaning. To this end, our research focuses on imitation learning, decision making and human-robot interaction. We are passionate about both theory and algorithms that equip robots with skills to work with people.

If you are interested in joining our minion army to take over the world, apply here!.


May 17, 2024 Proud to announce that, at ICRA 2024, MOSAIC won the best paper award at the VLNMN workshop and the best poster at the MoMa workshop!
May 12, 2024 We received OpenAI Superalignment grant! Thank you OpenAI!
May 1, 2024 Congratulations to Juntao and Gokul for their paper at ICML 2024! Checkout their paper, Hybrid Inverse Reinforcement Learning! Please also checkout the explainer tweet here!
Apr 6, 2024 We got a Google Research Scholar Award to work on LLMs and Planning! Thank you Google!
Apr 6, 2024 Excited to finally share MOSAIC, our multi-robot collaborative cooking system. Checkout the explainer tweet!
Apr 6, 2024 Congratulations to Prithwish Dan for 2024 Merril Presidential Scholar! Also honorable mention for CRA outstanding undergraduate research.
Apr 6, 2024 Cool paper at ICRA 2024, Interact, on training transformer models to predict human motion conditioned on robot actions. Congratulations to Kushal and team!
Apr 1, 2024 Fun talk at Andrea’s class in CMU on To Rl or not to RL!
Feb 24, 2024 We got an award from NASA to work on learning human-drone teaming policies. Thank you NASA! Read more here.
Jan 4, 2024 Invited talk at ISAIM Deep RL Workshop on “To RL or not to RL”!
Oct 2, 2023 Congratulations to Yuki, Gonzalo and Yash for their first paper at Neurips 2023, Demo2Code!
Sep 27, 2023 New NSF FRR grant on Inverse Task Planning with Jeannette Bohg!
Sep 15, 2023 Exciting paper at CORL 2023, Manicast, on learning human forecasts for collaborative human-robot manipulation. Congratulations to Kushal and team! Check out the explainer tweet.
Aug 15, 2023 New NSF Grant on superhuman imitation learning with the O.G :sunglasses: Brian Ziebart at UIC. Check out the Cornell Chronicle article to learn more!
Jul 15, 2023 Exciting new work, Demo2Code, on learning from demonstrations with LLMs! Check out the explainer tweet.
Jul 1, 2023 Congratulations to Kushal and Prithwish for their first paper at IROS 2023, Game theoretic forecasting & planning! Here’s the explainer tweet.
May 22, 2023 Big plans for the summer with our new undergraduate researchers Max Pace, Atiksh Bhardwaj, Vivian Fan and Lisa Asriev! :muscle:
May 8, 2023 We had an amaaazing end-of-semester social! :tada: HAL and DORA, for the first time ever, showed off how to collaboratively cook with our human user, Neha. Checkout the demo and behind the scenes!
May 3, 2023 Two very cool papers :sunglasses: at ICML: The Virtue of Laziness in MBRL and IRL without RL. Reset distributions are back this summer!
May 1, 2023 Here’s a sneak peek :eyes: of HAL and DORA getting ready to cook together with humans for the first time! This was a massive engineering effort combining the power of large language models, speech detection, visual imitation learning, motion capture, forecasting, model predictive control and more!